Ruins under Construction
“ Here everything looks like it’s still under construction and already ruined.
”Claude Levi Strauss”
Empty buildings announce messages like gigantic tabloids, turning into skin tattooed by signs, abandoned urban carcasses.
“We built the scenario – you build your story” announces the construction co.
In a dream-like Atmosphere, the language of photography becomes ambiguous: dream or nightmare, ruins or construction, active or reactive forces, organization or chaos.
At this moment the past, the present and the future merge in texture, structure and surface, in a time-frame that sometimes documents, sometimes is fictional. The lighting is worked so that one cannot determine if time is real.
Animation stemming from the time-lapse technique transforms the building into an organic structure, the cloth that moves in the wind dons a huge, threatening organism. If we imagine that within this imaginary monster many families seek refuge.